Friday, January 23, 2009


I'm not gonna write about the rain if you think so...

I'm looking at this cute stuff toy we bought yesterday and still can't figure out why sometimes our thoughts get flushed. I mean, all of us must have experienced this when our ideas are inevitably lost out of nowhere... I think the brain gets tired of waiting when we're still on the process of debating w/ our helpless fingers or humiliatingly convincing them to work for us. huh...lame right? And even w/ all the talking I did just a few millisecond ago I still can't catch my lost thoughts. (sigh)

This entry is so quiet you might wanna watch some of my past times. I don't recommend worst videos so quit it, just tick on that rotated triangle whatever if you want. free will.

*what happened to the video?!... ( i was uploading the video...while waiting i was playing my mobs...i went back and found out an error occured while i was uploading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my effort, my precious, precious effort...!)

CRAP. Sorry, I thought I was gonna show you guys one of my past times. Turned out...

Anyway, forever tune in to the lamest and cutest grotesque looking blog ever! XD

(bitter mode, dropped my face)

*this is really fun

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